Instituto Qualivida attended the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60), held March 14 - 24, 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Instituto Qualivida endorsed a joint statement on violence against older women which was submitted to the UN and which can be found on the CSW website.
That document can also be viewed here. Instituto Qualivida shares with our fellow endorsors in thanking HelpAge for their great work in crafting this important statement.
Representatives from Qualivida regularly attend conferences at the UN, including the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on the Status of Women in New York. We also attend Open-ended Working Groups on topics such as Aging, and are active in our membership on committees such as the NGO Committee on Ageing and the NGO Committee on Human Settlements.
Contribution of the organization to the work of the United Nations: 2011-14: Organized nationwide celebration of International Women’s Day. 2014: Organized Women’s Forum to observe International Women’s Day. Joined and promoted campaign to empower women in workers unions: ¡Cuente con nosotras! 2013: Organized a conference on theme of “Gender and Race” to promote equal opportunity based on ILO Convention 189. 2012: Organized a national seminar on Convention 189 of ILO in defense of protection of domestic workers. Facilitated UGT's participation in CSW theme “Empowerment of Rural Women”. 2011: Organized conference on human trafficking with Social Movement, increasing awareness on second largest crime in Brazil, 80% of victims are women and children.
Participation in meetings of the United Nations: 2014 Fifth Session of OEWGA: Assisted registration of international NGOs; reached out to promote work of OEWG, organized side-events; translated meetings and papers. Created Ageing Group “page” within existing World We Want-2015 UN site. CSW58: Produced flyers for side-events; assisted in promotion of UN agenda and side-events through social media; worked closely with UN-Women in intergenerational programs. 52nd CSocD: Promoted meeting via social media; assisted in organizing side-events to support CSocD); promoted outcome of meetings afterwards. 2013 Fourth Session of OEWGA: Assisted with registration of international NGOs; reached out to promote work of OEWG, helped organize side-events; translated meetings and papers. High-Level Panel Post-2015 Report: Promoted World We Want, Managed, contributed and updated UN page for World We Want. CSW57: Produced flyers for side-events; assisted in the promotion of UN agenda and side-events through social media; promoted participation in women’s march. 51st CSocD: Assisted Brazilian attendees register; assisted side- events; assisted statements. 2012 Third Session of OEWGA: Assisted registration of intl NGOs; reached out to promote work of OEWG and helped organize side-events; translated meetings and papers. Rio+20: Assisted in organizing side-events with worker’s union in Rio and Sao Paulo. CSW56: Assisted in promoting and organizing side-events with former Sub-Committee on Older Women; assisted in organizing panel at Fordham University under Pat Brownell, SCOW Chair to promote work of CSW. 50th CSoCD: Assisted NGOs preparing statements and meeting deadlines; promoted meeting prior and during session, distributed working papers and outcomes. 2011 2nd Inter-sessional Meeting of CSD: Assisted dissemination of working material among intl NGOs. Second Session of OEWGA: Assisted registration of international NGOs; reached out to promote work of OEWG and helped organize side- events; translated meetings and papers. CSD-19: Assisted registration; promoted working material among NGOs; participated in shared statements; assisted in promoting and organizing side-events. First Session of Open-ended Working Group on strengthening protection of human rights of older persons: assisted in promoting and disseminating OEWG working material within international NGOs. 49th CSoCD: Assisted in promoting and organizing side-events; translated working papers and material to disseminate CSocD work; participated in shared statements.
Cooperation with United Nations bodies: 2011-2014: UN representatives took part in CoNGO Committees, assisting organizing and publicizing side events, preparing statements, position papers, translation, fund raising. UN representatives participated as members of the planning committee for the yearly conference in recognition of International Day of Older Persons. Initiatives taken by the organization in support of the Millennium Development Goals: 2014: Organized the second Conference on Gender and Race. 2012: Seminar: “Reforma Política” (political reform) to promote 80 years of women’s right to vote to promote UN International Day of Women with debates throughout Brazil. December 2012 a meeting of Women's Committee of the CCSCS was held in Asunción, Paraguay. 2011: Instituto Qualivida with the support from UGT, organized large event in Asuncion, Chile in accordance with the CSW agenda for 2011/12. In Brazil, coordinated a larger event to promote plan of action for 2012 to fight violence agains women and equal pay. Assisted in the ratification of the Convention 156 (Shared Responsibility).